HEART LAKE FIRST NATION – Morris Monias was the Chief of Heart Lake Cree Nation for 26 years from 1989 to 2015, and the Grand Chief of the 16 distinct communities that make up Treaty 6. But to his friends and family he was also a man who championed Indigenous values and cared for all people, said Ken Staples, a colleague and… Read More »Former Chief, family man and community supporter laid to rest

Left, Jarrik Berard, 14, sport is hard ball. Right, Halle Berard 16 years old. She is playing fast ball at the Alberta indigenous Games. In 2019, she was selected to play for Team Alberta U16 at 2020 North America Indigenous Games in Halifax.

March, 2021 – A year after Cenovus announced its Indigenous Housing Initiative, committing an initial $50 million over five years to help address the housing shortage in six Indigenous communities near our operations in northern Alberta, several families in Cold Lake, Beaver Lake and Heart Lake began moving into new homes. The homecomings mark a… Read More »Cenovus marks year one of its Indigenous Housing Initiative

The Heart Lake First Nation has come a long way since it took on its first business enterprise in 1998, providing work crew transportation services through band-owned company Heart Lake Chartering. The community is located approximately 280 kilometres northeast of Edmonton in a hotbed of strategic industrial development. Still, members of the nation, which now… Read More »Community fosters win-win partnerships with industry

Joint venture with Canadian Industrial Paramedics provides immediate value to community As soon as Heart Lake Industrial Paramedics (HIP) was founded in 2007, the Heart Lake First Nation knew it had created a winning business. “People from our community were getting paramedic training and employment, and we were able to expand our services to work… Read More »Paramedic team shows Indigenous partnerships in action